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Archangel's Fire: Paranormal Angel Romance (The Cursed Angels Series Book 2) Page 11

  Gabby looked back, following my gaze. “Oh, Phil, can we use your bathroom to take a bath and get dressed? Sean is still sleeping like a baby, and I don’t want to disturb him.”

  “Sure, make yourselves at home. Here’s your coffee, Aria,” he said, moving closer and giving me the cup.

  I followed his movements and looked at his face when he handed me the cup. “Mom and Dad also invited you to come. They’re waiting for us under the pyramid,” I mumbled, unsure why I was telling him. I was suddenly feeling extremely shy. “Yesterday, you said you would come,” I reminded him. I could have almost bitten my tongue for wanting him to go back with me there. In my defense, it was cool to have him around to explain the historical facts and answer my questions.

  His eyes seemed to light up at my words, and he lost his gloomy expression. Then, his brows drew together. “I can’t stay under the pyramid. There’s too much direct sunlight and it’ll burn me.”

  “Oh right!” I remembered that detail. He had just shown me the galleries that were away from direct sunlight before. He’d navigated around the beams of light that peeked in through the windows.

  “You can join us in the cave. I’m sure Aria would love if you showed her the Egyptian Collection. She wouldn’t shut up about it last night at the club. She didn’t even want to sleep because of it.”

  I snapped my head towards Gabby, flustered by her words. Couldn’t she be less obvious about the fact that she was trying to hook me up with Philippe?

  Noticing my glare, she asked, “What? It’s always fun to have a guide telling us about the things we’re seeing. We had lots of fun yesterday.”

  “Yes, it was fun,” I agreed but regretted it immediately when Philippe smiled. I didn’t want him to know that I’d enjoyed his company. I sighed and sulked for a bit. He probably knew it already because I’d let my guard down. Still, that didn’t mean we were friends or anything else for that matter.

  I brought the cup to my lips. I needed a distraction from Philippe and his gorgeous smile. The hot drink burned me, but I endured the pain stoically.

  “I’ll get us some clothes and your driver can take us to the Louvre,” Gabby said to Philippe.

  I looked at her, shocked by her nerve. She liked to boss people around.

  My cousin jumped happily off the bed and went to Sean’s room to get the clothes we needed to look presentable to my parents. Then I realized I was left alone with Philippe in the room. I peeked over the cup at him.

  “What?” I asked him. He didn’t take his eyes off me. “Did we do something I may regret?”

  “No, nothing happened,” he said. His words reassured me.

  “Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed,” I said. It was the polite thing to say. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked, putting the cup on the nightstand.

  “On your right,” he said. “You’ll find fresh towels under the sink, and I’m going to leave you alone. I’m in the study if you need anything.”

  I pushed back the comforter to get out of the bed and go to the bathroom to get clean.

  “You truly don’t mind if I join you and your parents at the Louvre?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

  I shook my head again. Folding my arms, I asked, “Is there anything important I should remember?”

  “No, it was just that we had fun together.”

  “Okay,” I said, shrugging my shoulders, so he didn’t think I was giving too much importance to it. I didn’t remember everything that happened after I got drunk, but I remembered enough to know that we’d had fun. I just didn’t want to let him think that it meant anything.

  “Okay…there are some rules you need to follow here. Don’t open the curtains; turn on the lights instead,” he instructed, flipping the switch on in the bedroom. “You need to wait for a while before you step into the shower because the water tends to take a long time to get warm. Just let it run for a bit with the tap open.”

  “Okay, thanks,” I said, getting up but sitting back down again once everything started to swirl. “How much did I drink?”

  “A lot,” he answered, rushing to help me. His hands touched my hand and back, and I froze, staring at him. I could still get startled by his proximity. My angel also got nervous inside my head.

  “I can do it,” I said, getting up, even if his hands continued touching me, and he was worried that I might fall. Even so, he helped me get to the bathroom, opening the door for me.

  “You can lock the door if that makes you feel safer,” he said.

  I stared at the lock. Yes, I’ll probably do that.

  He let me go after making sure I wasn’t going to fall.

  “Here’s the towel and here,” he said, opening a drawer and taking out a new toothbrush. “You can use this one. And Aria,” he called to me before he exited, making me stare at his face. “Truce, okay? I’m not going to hurt you, pixie angel. I promise.”

  I gulped because he spoke so sweetly that my skin became covered in goose bumps. Plus, I believed him. There was no sign of the evil monster lurking in his chocolate brown eyes. I felt my heart shrinking in my chest as my hands trembled. But I knew better than to let myself get fooled by his enticing eyes and smooth talk. My angel wasn’t happy either. I didn’t know why she had been so quiet when I’d been drunk or even when I was around Philippe, but she was sensing danger, and she wanted me to snap out of it and stop believing the words of the monster who’d rejected me.

  Philippe looked at me for a few moments until he left me to my blurry memories of what had happened the previous night. The embarrassment was too much to bear. I would never touch alcohol again.

  Chapter TWELVE


  I’d messed up. I knew I had the moment I hung up the phone. I’d called Cedric to tell him where I was and what I was going to do next. I wanted him to meet us at the Louvre, so he could spend time with my parents. I’d planned to ask Philippe not to come and tell him that we shouldn’t see each other again. He needed to let me go and stay away from me and my family.

  It had been a big mistake to call Cedric and try to explain what was happening and what I’d wanted us to do. He didn’t let me talk. He didn’t even let me tell him how I’d ended up at Philippe’s home. No. He’d simply freaked out and told me to stay put, that he’d come to get me and take me home. It didn’t help when I told him that I didn’t want to go home—I wanted to go to the Louvre. I wanted to show my parents how Cedric could be sweet and amazing.

  I dialed my dad’s number before warning Philippe about Cedric’s arrival. My dad wasn’t pleased that I was missing our date. He wasn’t satisfied when I told him that it was because of Cedric. Actually, I think I messed it up even more because I’d started to cry on the phone. Cedric was jealous of Philippe, especially since I’d ended up at Philippe’s house. My dad didn’t know what was going on between Philippe, Cedric, and me. He didn’t understand why Cedric had gotten so mad about it.

  I had a huge problem to fix and I was running out of time. Cedric would barge in at any minute to take me away and probably hurt Philippe in the process. I went to look for Philippe and got lost in that big house of his. He said he would be in his study, but I had no idea where that could be.

  At the end of the corridor, I heard voices. I made my way there, hearing Philippe talking with some guy. I timidly knocked on the door and waited.

  “Yes?” a tall and dark-haired guy with a serious face asked me as he looked me over from head to toe.

  I didn’t like the way he stared at me, nor the sneer on his face.

  “I’m sorry, love, but we’re busy. If you’re short on money for the cab, ask the butler in the kitchen to call you one, and he’ll pay for it.”

  I didn’t like what his words implied one bit. I guessed it was a recurring thing in that house. It made me want to puke.

  “I need to talk to Philippe. I don’t want any money for a cab. I have my own money, th
ank you very much,” I said, folding my arms and clenching my jaw.

  He narrowed his eyes and, before he could say anything else, he was shoved aside.

  “Aria,” Philippe said, breathless, aiming his big brown eyes at me. “What’s the problem?”

  I unfolded my arms with a sigh. “You got that right. We have a problem. Cedric’s coming here to get me, and he isn’t pleased at all. I thought I should warn you.”

  “Okay,” he said, not even flinching at my words.

  I clutched the material of my dress. “Did you hear what I said? He’s coming here.”


  “He’s mad.”


  “Are you banging angels now?” the previous guy asked Philippe. Opening the door wider, he stared at me with black eyes and bore his fangs. He looked aggravated.

  “Nobody is banging anyone here,” I said, outraged by his words. My angel stirred inside my mind. She didn’t like that vampire. We both agreed on that.

  “Don’t talk like that to Aria or to me.” Philippe turned around and shoved the man, who shut up and recoiled. “Aria is a guest in this house.”

  “And I’m leaving,” I informed him, spinning around and going back to his bedroom to get my stuff and prepare myself to leave once Cedric rang at the door. I didn’t want him to make a scene. I knew he would be mad, but facing him would beat staying there and being insulted by a stupid vampire.

  “Do you need my help?” Philippe asked, walking beside me to the bedroom.

  “For what?” I stopped and looked at him. He was wearing an untucked blue striped shirt and black pants.

  His fingers combed through his soft hair. “To explain to Cedric what happened. I don’t want him to get mad at you.”

  “I can handle Cedric.”

  “So why did you come to warn me?”

  I bit my lip as I observed my feet. “Well, he’s furious. He’ll probably try to kill you.”

  “He can try, but he won’t be able to,” he said, rather calm to my exasperation.

  Philippe was rather cocky. Cedric was strong, and he was the angels’ prince. Why isn’t Philippe afraid of him?

  I brushed the fabric of my dress as I lifted my head to look at Philippe and mused about the implications of what I’d done.

  Philippe put his hands in his pockets. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m faster than him, and he’s too reckless. I have no intention of making him mad, nor do I want him to get angry with you. Nothing happened. You are my guest, and I can explain everything to him.”

  Heading to the bedroom, I said, “I don’t think he wants to listen to your explanations or mine.”

  I entered the bedroom and grabbed my clothes, which I’d folded over the bed. Then I grabbed my phone, seeing two missed calls from my dad. I puckered my lips, unsure if I should call him back or not. I was in no mood to have two people whom I loved yelling at me on the phone.

  Philippe put his hand on my shoulder as he leaned down to watch me. “What’s wrong?”

  I hugged my phone against my chest and stepped back to evade this touch. “Dad’s also mad.”

  “With me?”

  “No, with Cedric. I can’t go to the Louvre.”

  “Why not?”

  Sighing with impatience, I indulged his curiosity. “Because Cedric doesn’t trust me, that’s why.”

  “Oh!” Philippe stared at me with guilt and sadness displayed on his face. “I didn’t want to get you in trouble. But…nothing happened. He should trust you and let you explain.”

  “Yes, he should. But I think he’s feeling as if I’ve betrayed him. I shouldn’t have slept here. I don’t understand how…this happened.” I gestured around, annoyed at myself.

  “You had too much to drink. You were…sad.”

  “I should have been more responsible.”

  Philippe frowned. “You’re extremely responsible, Aria. You shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to have fun with your parents and cousin.”

  “You don’t understand…” I massaged my temples with closed eyes.

  His voice came out stern. “I understand perfectly. He doesn’t trust you and he’s mad because you spent time with me. However, nothing happened. And if Cedric had met you at the disco, you wouldn’t have ended up drunk, and I wouldn’t have had to take you to my place.”

  Opening my eyes, I blinked several times as his reasoning echoed inside my tired mind. Then, I said, “He was busy. He told me that.”

  Philippe’s face tensed as his eyes narrowed. “Why are you defending him?”

  I paused. “Why shouldn’t I defend him? I was the one who messed up.”

  He shook his head. “You weren’t. Since nothing happened, he should trust you if you’re supposed to be his girlfriend.”

  “You know nothing about Cedric,” I said. He didn’t have the right to talk about Cedric like that.

  “I know enough, and I understand that Cedric is acting impulsively because he hates me. However, Aria, it isn’t your fault that he doesn’t like vampires. He shouldn’t be mad at you.”

  “Well, I shouldn’t have ended up here in your home. Not after what you’ve done to me.”

  “He should thank me for that then, since I was the one who made it possible for him to be with you.”

  I stared at him, speechless and troubled by his words. I felt my hands trembling as my breath slowed down. My eyes burned from a sudden urge to cry that tugged at my chest. I had nightmares about that to this day. Yet I had no idea what had been real and what my mind was making up.

  My angel shouted inside my mind to toughen up and stop being such a pathetic and emotional girl. I knew she was right. But it hurt every time I remembered the fatidic night of his rejection. It had been a scary and traumatic experience.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked with a soft and caring voice.

  His voice and sweet eyes didn’t help make me want to control my feelings. If anything, it made them worse. Why did he have to change so much? Why am I moved by him? I should have hated him with all my heart. I didn’t. I didn’t want to go back to him, but I didn’t hate him. I pitied him and was sad at what he had become. Deep down, Philippe was kind and caring. I knew he was. But he was also tormented by his demons. I was Cedric’s. It was no longer an option for me to feel anything for Philippe. I didn’t want Cedric to die. He deserved to be loved. He was kind, and he was an angel. Vampires only brought darkness.

  “What’s wrong, Aria?” Philippe asked again, touching my shoulder and making me focus on his face.

  I quivered and moved back. The closeness was unbearable.

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled, sitting on the bed as I entwined the fingers of my shaking hands.

  He placed himself in front of me as I calmed down. Then, he caressed my hair, shifting some of it away from my face.

  I pushed his hand away. “Stop touching me.”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  I sneered like a mad person. I would laugh if tears weren’t threatening to fall down my cheeks. I wasn’t afraid of him. I should be, but I wasn’t. Deep inside my heart, I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me. I also knew he regretted what he had done. A part of me wanted to believe that I was being foolish, and couldn’t possibly know that for sure. Yet, the part of me that knew that Philippe and I were soulmates also knew that he wouldn’t hurt me.

  He crouched and put one finger under my chin, making me look into his eyes. “Why did you tell him that you were here with me?”

  “Because I don’t like to lie.” I glared at him, annoyed by his question and his previous accusations. He was making it seem as if this was Cedric’s fault. I shouldn’t have gotten drunk. I shouldn’t have ended up in Philippe’s bedroom. My voice trembled when I spoke again. “Cedric has every right to be mad at me.”

  “If he trusted you, he wouldn’t be mad. Didn’t you tell him what happened?”

  “Hmm. He didn’t let me explain. But I will once he gets here. Just try not to annoy him. I don’t l
ike confrontation. I don’t want any more drama, and I’d appreciate if you left me alone for good.”

  Philippe stared at me quietly. For a few moments, I felt a sharp pain in my chest as if our hearts were synchronized. He looked miserable—terribly saddened by my words. I couldn’t and didn’t want to be moved by the gloom in his eyes.

  He nodded sternly and straightened up. “Okay, I’ll be good. But if he yells at you I’ll hit him.”

  “No, you will not,” I told him firmly as I wasn’t kidding. “It’s my problem. I’ll handle it. Just don’t make things worse.”

  His lips were in a straight line until he finally said, “I won’t. I promise. But I don’t want him yelling at you.”

  I was going to tell him that it wasn’t his problem; however, the bell rang. I stood up and let all my clothes fall to the floor.

  “He’s here.” I gulped.

  “My butler will open the door,” Philippe said as I was leaving the room after I had clumsily picked up my clothes from the floor.

  I clenched my hands into fists and turned to face him. “It’ll be worse if he finds us in your bedroom, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, you’re probably right,” he agreed.

  He sped to my side. Resting his hand on my lower back, he accompanied me to the stairs.

  Philippe’s butler was already on his way to answer the intercom.

  “If it’s the angels’ prince, let him in,” Philippe ordered as we descended the stairs to the living room.

  “Yes, sir.” The butler complied.

  I stood in front of the couches, staring at the front door while nibbling on my lip and expecting the worst. I didn’t want a scene. I loathed drama. I hoped Cedric was wise enough not to start a fight and to let me explain. Yet, I knew that all hell was going to break loose once the Prince of Angels stepped into the Vampire King’s house.

  Chapter THIRTEEN


  Myheart stopped when I saw Cedric entering the living room. He was glowing silver. His eyes were shining as if he were possessed by a divine entity. His angel was surfacing, and he didn’t seem happy. His eyes stopped when they caught mine. I felt shivers run down my spine and butterflies explode in my stomach. He looked scary and hot at the same time. It was kind of crazy to get turned on by him just then, but the angel inside me was rejoicing at seeing him. She was happy; she was proud of her mate, of my mate. Cedric was my mate now…