Sacrifice Read online

Page 6

  “What’s the meaning of this? Why am I cuffed to the bed?”

  Olivia sat on the bed and placed the tray on the nightstand. “I told you that I wanted to be on top.”

  Alaric gulped and faked a smile. “Of course, you can be on top, baby. Let me loose. I need to go to the bathroom, and your father might be arriving soon. He can’t find me here.”

  Olivia seemed to ignore him as she added sugar to the coffee and stirred it. After, she grabbed the cup and took it to her lips.

  “It’s good.” She looked at Alaric. “Move your head up so I can feed you.”

  “Come on, Olivia. Stop being silly. Your father will put me back in my cell and forbid you to see me. Do you want that? Wasn’t it amazing last night? Don’t you want to do it again?”

  “I already took care of Dad.”

  “You did?”

  She nodded. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’m starving, but I need you to let me loose.”

  “Do you know why I waited for yesterday to get you loose?”

  Alaric shook his head.

  “When Father goes to the mainland, he always brings a lot of money with him. He spends the night with some random guy he hooks up in a bar and then, early in the morning, he returns home. He keeps promising that he will take me with him, but he never does. Are you going to be like my father?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I put my luggage in the boat. I also chose a few of Sam’s clothes that might fit you.”

  Smiling, Alaric suggested, “Why don’t you release me so we can leave and find ourselves a nice place to spend a few days alone? Don’t you want to go to the movies with me?”

  Olivia puckered her lips and nodded. “I want you to drink your coffee first.”

  Alaric released a long sigh. “Fine. Give it to me. I’m thirsty. You made me work a lot last night.”

  She grinned and put the cup to his lips. “I love you so much. You are so handsome.”

  Alaric swallowed the liquid, and then stretched his lips in what he hoped was a smile. “What did you do to your father?”

  “You’ll see once you finish eating.”

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Sighing, Olivia put the cup down and got up. “You’re always so demanding. I’m trying to be romantic, and you’re ruining it. Can’t you wait for a few more minutes?”

  Alaric blinked several times before answering, “Do you want me to piss in the bed?”

  She growled and reached for her pocket where she had a key. “Fine. I’ll let you lose. Then you can finish eating on your own. I have to grab a few more things. Once you are dressed, joined me outside. I need your help with something.”


  Alaric spent a few minutes in the bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. He was a shadow of what he used to be. After washing his face and putting some clothes on, he walked into the kitchen and found Olivia crouched next to her father.

  “Is he dead?” Alaric asked. “What are you doing?”

  Olivia got up with the vial of blood that she had removed from her father’s arm. Instead of replying to him, she hid the recipient in her pocket and turned to look at him.

  “What took you so long? I need help to move him from here.”

  “I was washing up. How were you able to knock him out cold?”

  “I poisoned his drink. He will wake up in a few hours with a headache but alive.”

  Alaric nodded and looked around. His eyes searched for a knife. “Where do you want to put him?”

  “Grab him under his arm and drag him to his bedroom. I’m not strong enough.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “And where are you going?”

  “I’m putting my last suitcase in the boat, and I’m starting the engine. Don’t take too long. A storm is coming, and we need to get out of here as soon as possible before it’s impossible to navigate.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  Olivia spared him a look. “No, I just hoped you would understand the amount of work I put to make you a romantic surprise when you woke up.”

  With that said, Olivia grabbed the suitcase and exited.

  “A romantic surprise?” Alaric marched to Robert and grabbed him under his arms. “What a needy crazy bitch.” He huffed as he pulled the vampire down the corridor. “Her father weights like an elephant.”

  Once he entered Robert’s bedroom, he left him against the wall in a seated position.

  Straightening up, he cleaned the sweat from his forehead and smiled with pride. Looking around, he noticed the chair and grabbed it. He tried to break one of its feet.

  “This looks easier on television. I’m not strong enough to break a piece of wood,” he grunted and kicked the chair away, hurting his foot in the process.

  Grabbing his foot, he whimpered and sat on the bed.

  “Screw this. I’m not going to lose my chance.” He stormed to the kitchen and grabbed a knife from one of the drawers he had opened until he found what he wanted.

  Moments later, he was kicking Robert’s feet. “Wake up, asshole.”

  No reaction.

  Crouching in front of the vampire, he slapped his face several times. “Wakey-wakey. Look at me. I want you to see me before I kill you. Come on, fatso.”

  “What? W-where?”

  “That’s it. Look at me.” He grabbed his face between his fingers. “Are you looking at me?”

  “What are you doing outside your cage?”

  “Your daughter freed me.”

  Robert’s eyes locked with Alaric’s. “Where is she?”

  “In the boat, waiting for me to join her.”

  “No.” He tried to move, but Alaric pushed him back. “What did you do to me? Why is my skin burning?” He stopped talking, and his eyes rolled in their sockets.

  “Are you having a heart attack, asshole? You are a vampire. Vampires don’t have heart attacks.”

  Leaning back, Alaric grabbed the knife.

  “You can’t. You can’t,” he mumbled as his mouth salivated and drool fell down.

  “That’s disgusting. Your daughter poisoned you well. You can’t even move.”

  “You can’t.”

  He smirked. “What can’t I?”

  “Ta-ke her.”

  “Of course I can.”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “No.” He nodded. “It’s not safe.” Chuckling, he placed the knife against Robert’s face. “I promised that I’d killed you, didn’t I?”

  “Don’t take Oli-via.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” He pierced the knife against Robert’s shoulder.

  The vampire howled with pain.

  Alaric covered his mouth. “Hush. We don’t want her to listen. Not that she could. She’s in the boat waiting for me. I’ll keep her alive for a bit longer. You don’t need to worry.”

  Robert tried to move his hand but was too weak to fight back.

  “What? I can’t hear you.” Alaric moved closer since Robert was trying to speak, but no sound was leaving his mouth.”

  “Olivia can’t leave. It’s not safe…”

  “Humans are the least of her problems.” Alaric chuckled and shove the knife in his heart. “I wish I had more time to play with you. But I need to rush before she gets impatient and comes to check on me. Stop trying to talk and just die.”

  Alaric got up and looked down at his clothes to look for signs of blood.

  Looking at Robert, he heard his last words. “Safe for people.”

  Smirking, he added, “No. It’s not safe for people once I get to the mainland. I’m going to get revenge of my family. They’re the reason Beth is dead. Then I’ll go after Marie.”

  The vampire’s body combusted and turned into a pile of ashes. Alaric dropped the knife and rushed out of the house that had kept him prisoner for months.

  Strolling his way to the pier, he smiled at the grey clouds forming in the horizon. “Watch out, world. I’m back.”

  Chapter Nine<
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  Olivia stared at the large, golden gate with an eagle insignia shaped atop it.

  “Are you sure you know these people?” she asked, looking at Alaric.

  “He owes me.”

  “I’ve already agreed to help you get revenge of your family. Why do you need this person’s help?”

  “He’s not a person. He’s a vampire, and we need information and fake papers.”

  Olivia sighed. “How much will it cost us? There was no money in the hideout you took us. No money, no food. Nothing. “

  Alaric sighed. “This would be easier if I had my powers back. Now be quiet and let me do the talking. They won’t think twice before putting a bullet in your head.”

  Olivia nodded and tucked away the novel she had been reading in the bus ride to that place. “Shouldn’t we ring a bell or something?”

  “No. They know we are here. They will send someone.”

  Alaric pointed at the camera and waved.

  Meanwhile, Olivia looked around the surrounding in awe and continued to gawk until she heard a siren go off far away.

  Startled, she rushed and placed herself behind Alaric. “What is happening?”

  “Hush. He’s sending someone to get us.”

  Alaric remained silent as the front gate opened and two men armed with guns walked to them. They measured Alaric from top to bottom and looked at Olivia with apparent curiosity. Neither of them removed the finger from the trigger.

  Another man dressed in black walked to their side. “I need to check for concealed weapons.”

  Alaric nodded and opened his arms.

  Olivia grumbled when it was time to be patted for guns and liked less when the men grabbed her luggage and opened to see what was inside.

  “What the hell are they looking for?”

  Alaric shrugged and remained still with his hands behind his back.

  “Master Alaric and companion,” the man without the gun spoke. “Come with me, please.”

  Alaric smiled mildly and grabbed Olivia’s arm.

  The armed men hid their weapons and carried the luggage as Alaric and Olivia followed the man in a dark suit past the gate and towards a jeep.

  “This is huge,” Olivia said in awe as she looked at the path of trees and gardens.

  “We’ll take you to the mansion where our master is waiting for you, milord,” the men spoke as he opened the door to let them in.

  Once the jeep moved, Olivia ignored Alaric and took the moment to marvel at the beauty surrounding them. The entire estate was one big garden with diverse species of flowers in absolute beautification. In the distance, she saw the huge mansion and gasped.

  The car came to a halt before a large mansion walled mainly of glass, and with more armed men in suits standing by the door, waiting to receive them.

  “Are we in trouble, my love?’ Olivia turned to Alaric and ignored the beautiful sightseeing.

  Alaric shook his head as the door opened. Each one exited and met in front of the porch.

  The men shoved them forward and the front door opened.

  “When I was told someone was in the front gate and the system flagged the person, I wasn’t ever thinking it would be you,” the masculine voice spoke, exiting the front door of the house. “Where have you been hiding?”

  Alaric smiled and shrugged. “Around. I had a few businesses to take care.”

  The tall male with dark hair frowned and then looked at Olivia. “Who is this?”

  “Olivia. She’s traveling with me.”

  The man approached with his hand outstretched and took Olivia’s into his. He bowed and planted a kiss on her hand before looking back up.

  “My name is Seth. Welcome to my family estate,” he said.

  Alaric huffed. “We don’t have time to pleasantries. I’m here because you owe me a few favors and I want to collect them.”

  Seth arched an eyebrow. “I owe you favors not money. If that is what you are looking for, you came to the wrong place.”

  “I have money. I need information.”

  Seth smirked. “Come inside. My home is your home.”

  He motioned at the men by the door, and they parted the large doors open. Alaric grabbed Olivia’s arm, and they walked through.

  “I’ve never seen a house so beautiful. Except on TV,” Olivia mumbled upon seeing the huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the center of the hall.

  They continued to follow Seth and Olivia looked at the white walls and saw her reflection on the tiled floors. A few servants lowered their heads as they passed. The scent of flowers lingered in the air.

  She looked around the living room and admired the gold-plated frames housing the furniture before Alaric made her sit on a white sofa.

  As on cue, a lady in a blue gown entered with a tray of glasses filled with wine. She offered a drink to each of the guests. Seth refused when it was his time.

  Olivia accepted a glass and quenched her thirst before resuming the observation of that place. She saw Alaric locking gazes with Seth.

  Alaric wetted his lips on the wine. “I’m curious. How loyal are you to me, Seth?”

  Seth smirked and rested his back on the sofa with parted legs. “I haven’t killed you, yet. You can assume that I’m willing to listen to what you have to say.”

  “What are the others saying about my absence?”

  “That you were betrayed.”

  Alaric nodded. “It’s true.”

  “Why didn’t they kill you then?”

  “They couldn’t.”

  Seth looked at Olivia and then at Alaric. “Things aren’t how you left them. We lost territories, and several men died. The police have been breathing on our neck. We had to close several establishments, and the FBI has a new division that deals with the blood market.”

  “That’s not my problem anymore. Once I’m done with personal business, I’m traveling to Europe,” Alaric said.

  “We need you to restore order,” Set said, leaning forward.

  “You have men and money, why don’t you assume the leadership?”

  Seth tilted his head back and laughed.

  Alaric took another sip on his wine. When Seth stopped, he added, “I can support your claiming if you are willing to help me here and now.”

  Seth leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Are you serious?”

  Alaric placed a hand on Olivia’s knee. “My new pet wants to see Europe. I’m willing to indulge her as soon as I finish my revenge.”

  Olivia grinned at the mention of Europe and gave Seth a languish look. He seemed to be taking her measures as if he was trying to figure out why Alaric was with her. She sneered at him, and he tilted back his head with a frown.

  “Where did you find her?” Seth asked.

  “I found him,” Olivia replied, drinking the rest of her wine. “Cool place, cool wine, but I’m getting bored.”

  Alaric patted her knee. “Patience, my dear.”

  “Are we going to be staying here?”

  “If Seth doesn’t mind.”

  Seth got up. “Let’s go to my office to speak in private.” He looked around, and the lady in the blue dress edged closer to him. “Prepare our best guestroom for Master Alaric and his pet. Show the girl to her new bedroom and find her proper clothes to wear tonight at dinner.”

  The woman nodded.

  “Do what they say,” Alaric instructed Olivia.

  Pursing her lips, she placed the glass on the coffee table and got up. “Whatever.”

  Olivia followed behind the woman while Alaric and Seth disappeared behind closed doors.


  Alaric dodged the group of people walking past him by ducking his head and making sure his hoodie shielded his face as best as possible. It wasn’t his first stroll around Affinity, and it wasn’t going to be his last. He had managed to avoid being recognized for the past nights he had snuck to get himself drunk while Olivia remained in the rented apartment throwing fits.

  With a paper ba
g wrapped around his bottle of whiskey, he walked through the back channel and took the stairs to his own apartment. Without knocking on the door, he shoved it open and walked right in to sit on the armchair by the window and enjoy the view.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Olivia protested.

  He ignored her and gazed into the street where people walked without any care in the world.

  Olivia moved closer and leaned against the wall. “What exactly are we doing here? It has been six days, and all you’ve done is wandering the streets at night dressed in that silly hoodie.”

  He took a few more mouthfuls from his bottle before placing it down by his leg. “I’ve told you already. We are here to get revenge from my family.”

  “Does that involve drowning yourself in whiskey and always smelling like a bum? Because that’s not enticing at all.”

  “It’s easy to get drunk when I’m a human. It stops the pain, too.”

  Olivia moved in front of him with closed fists. “I’ve been working my butt in that stupid coffee shop while you just stay here and do nothing. Now, I come home and see that you didn’t even cook dinner or washed the clothes like I had asked you.”

  Alaric snorted. “I’m royalty. Do you really think that I’ve washed anything in my life?”

  “Apparently not, but you are human for the time being, and you need to eat. Plus, you don’t have money to pay a maid to clean. We’ve wasted my father’s money buying papers and renting this rathole for you to stalk your father’s new wife.”

  Alaric shoved her aside and got up. “Seth will bring me my money as soon as I give him what he wants. Plus, I would get killed if someone recognized me.”

  She paid his kindness with the same reply by pushing him and folding her arms in front of him. “You didn’t seem to fear that when you went to get your booze.”

  “You refused to buy me my alcohol,” he shouted.

  “And you stole my tips. That money was mine.”

  Rolling his eyes, Alaric grabbed his bottle and dragged his feet to the bedroom.

  Olivia yelled, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “I’m not hungry.” He slammed the door and fell on his knees.